Early Release Day
Main Street is closing at 3 pm on October 6 to accommodate the BAHS Homecoming Parade. To mitigate traffic concerns and prevent frustration, Summit will release all classes one hour early on this day. Summit Early Learning Center's hours will not change. Aftercare will open early to accommodate their regular students.
Kindergarten - Release time 2:00 pm
1st - 8th Grades - Release time 2:30 pm
9th - 12th Grades - Early Release for Regional Volleyball Tournament at Summit
High school students will be released at 1:00 pm on Thursday, October 6, to attend the regional volleyball championship game at the Rose Campus gymnasium. This game begins at 1:30 pm. Transportation options include parent pickup, school bus, or students may drive themselves. Due to insurance reasons, students may not ride with other student drivers. High school parents will be asked to complete a digital permission available on Monday.
Please mark your calendar and be prepared for this early release schedule.