Yarnell & Bradley Attend Conference
Ms. Yarnell and Mrs. Bradley spent part of Fall Break attending the ISTE Creative Constructors Lab in New Orleans, LA.
The conference highlighted interactive presentations, visual storytelling, creative coding, audio production, and design thinking.
Mrs. Bradley enjoyed learning more about stop motion animation, green screen technology, and empathy-driven STEAM challenges. She was most excited about the “It’s All about the Cardboard” class. (Cardboard is AMAZING!)
Ms. Yarnell was excited to learn more about Sketchnoting and how to develop our students for tomorrow’s workplace demands. It is incredible what our students can do with the technology already in their hands every day (their phones)! She hopes to incorporate even more inter-disciplinary concepts and technology into her classroom.
Thank you to the SCA administration for providing our teachers with meaningful learning experiences that will make an impact on our students’ educational opportunities.
(Look how happy these ladies look. Little did they know that they would be stuck on that plane for 7 hours.)
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