Broken Arrow’s Five-Star Learning Center
Best of the Best
Summit Early Learning Center, a ministry of The Assembly at Broken Arrow, was recently certified as one of the first FIVE-STAR childcare centers in Broken Arrow.
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) unveiled a new rating system in 2023 to help parents identify centers that meet or exceed compliance standards for Oklahoma childcare facilities. Summit Early Learning center is one of only nine centers in Broken Arrow to meet the rigorous requirements for the top star rating.
"We are proud to be one of only nine centers in Broken Arrow to receive the five-star rating," said Dr. Lori Kelly, executive director of Summit Early Learning Center. "This honor is a tribute to our staff and their dedication to professional early childhood education."
Summit Early Learning Center is the largest five-star center in Broken Arrow and the fourth-largest center in all of Tulsa County. Currently, 155 infants, toddlers, children through transitional kindergarten are enrolled. An additional 45 elementary-aged children are enrolled in SELC's before and after school care progrlalm. SELC is located in the heart of the Broken Arrow Rose District.
You can learn more about the Oklahoma Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) on the OKDSH website. Information about Summit Early Learning Center can be found on the Summit Christian Academy website.