Returning to 5-Day, Full-Time, On-Campus Instruction

5-Day, Full-Time, On-Campus Instruction

Parents are faced with the difficult decision of where to send their children to school during the pandemic. Due to our small class sizes and supportive community, Summit Christian Academy is planning to return to five-day, full-time, on-campus instruction on August 19 for the 2020-2021 school year.

We have two simple goals: provide our students with a welcome return to joyful learning at school and do our best to make Summit a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for students–physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

We are very proud of and grateful for the job our teachers did to transition Summit’s program to distance learning this past spring. We have heard remarks from so many about the above and beyond efforts of our staff. We would like to echo that praise to our parents and students.  You did an excellent job navigating each challenge with courage and grace.

Summit’s mission, however, is designed for a daily classroom experience. Therefore, our focus and priority are upon how we can safely return students to the classrooms while keeping in step with the requirements of state and local authorities and the recommendations of public health professionals.

Our reopening plan begins with creating space – space in our hallways, limiting or eliminating the use of our smallest classrooms, and creating smaller groupings/sections of classes as much as possible.  We can accomplish this thanks to the new facilities at The Assembly’s South Campus that will now be home to Summit High School. This campus offers us 16 classrooms and 2 auditoriums, all located on the same floor.

Moving high school students frees up space at our Rose District campus.  The current secondary building will transition to become Summit Intermediate School.  This building will house students in grades 5 – 8.  Elementary students, grades K-4, and Summit Early Learning Center will spread out and continue to occupy our main building.

Splitting our students into three sections could potentially allow us to adapt to one group’s health concerns without affecting the entire school.  These decisions are always complex, but we are doing everything we can to position ourselves for a successful 2020-2021 school year.