Color Us Thankful

Color Us Thankful

Teacher Appreciation Week at Summit is happening April 29-May 3! On Thursday, May 2nd, we invite all students to wear their teacher's favorite color shirt, paired with uniform bottoms.

Grades K-5: Homeroom teacher

Grades 6-8: 4th hour teacher
Grades 9-12: 3rd hour teacher

You may wear any top in the favorite color of your teacher with uniform bottoms. Dress code standards apply. If you are not participating, please wear regular uniform.

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ELEM Hills, Sara Pink
ELEM Rutherford, Angela Teal
ELEM Stout, Sara Turquoise
ELEM Sutphin, Amber Purple
ELEM Foster, Jennifer Navy Blue
ELEM Jackson, Whitney Orange
ELEM Marten, Rachel Blue
ELEM Alexander, Terri Navy Blue
ELEM Parks, Molly Pink
ELEM Smietanski, Amanda Green
ELEM Bailey, Emily Pink
ELEM Bogle, Amanda Yellow
ELEM Loehmann, Michelle Blue
ELEM Hastey, Amber Purple
ELEM Hinds, Kyndall Navy Blue
ELEM Strozier, Charity Lavender
INTER Barnett, Kelli Purple
INTER Beach, Kevin Black
INTER Bell, Mary Ann Pink
INTER Cravalho, Chelsee Royal Blue
INTER Cussen, Misti Blue
INTER Drake, Kendrae Blue
INTER Goins, Jeanette Pink
INTER Haas, Joel Cerulean
INTER Hostetter, Whitney Purple
INTER Jennings, Kevin Dark Green
INTER Lockhart, Meredith Pink
INTER Moses, Joshua Blue
INTER Murray, Jodee Black
INTER Thompson, Ashley White
INTER Wineinger, Chrystal Turquoise
HS Bourg, Cheryl Aquamarine
HS Bycroft, Lisa Yellow
HS Forbes, Joeli Lavender
HS Green, Joe  Navy Blue
HS Jones, Caleb Blue
HS Hillman, Jim Orange
HS Kytta, Leila Yellow
HS Lazio, Darla Blue
HS Packard, Kammie Teal
HS Price, Kayla Blue
HS Shannon, Charlotte Blue
HS Stemple, Shelley Blue
HS Taylor, Allisha Green
HS Taylor, Tony Blue
HS Thibodeau, Meilssa Purple
HS VanDuser, Tim Green