Medication Procedures

Medication Authorization Form
Summit encourages medications to be administered before or after school, if possible. Students that require mediation during the school day must have a valid Medication Authorization Form on file with the school office. Please download, print, and return the completed and signed form to the school office before the first day of school. → Download Form

Prescription Medications at School
Summit staff cannot administer prescription medications without a completed medical authorization form. A new authorization form, signed by your physician, is required yearly. Any changes to dose or frequency will require a new authorization form.

Over-the-Counter Medications at School
A medical authorization form is required for all new medicines. This includes over-the-counter medication. Over-the-counter medications will not be given longer than two weeks without a written statement from a physician. Please send a new and unopened container when sending over-the-counter medications.

Sending Medications to School
When sending prescription medication, please ensure the label is intact and the medication is in the original container, box, etc.

  • The parent/guardian is responsible for having medication delivered directly to the school office in a properly labeled original container.
  • Do not send medication to school with your child in their backpack!
  • All unused medications must be picked up by the end of the school year.
  • Please arrange to pick up your child’s medication for extended breaks (if necessary) and at the end if the school year. Unless your child has permission to self-carry their medication, the school cannot allow them to bring medication home.
  • All remaining over-the-counter medications will be discarded if not picked up on the last day of school.

Student Self-Carry Emergency Medications
Students are permitted to self-carry emergency medications in 6th grade and older. Please see the medication authorization form for further information.

  • Students who self-carry and self-administer; asthmatic, diabetic, and other emergency medication must first have a completed medication authorization form signed by the physician.
  • If possible, please provide backup medications for all self-carry medications to be stored in the nurse’s office.