Skid Marks – Intermediate Play
Skid Marks: A One-Act Play About Driving
ONE NIGHT ONLY • May 3, 7pm, Rose District Auditorium
‘Skid Marks’ is a one act vignette play that lightheartedly covers a variety of ‘close-to-home’ driving scenarios. As you view each character , you may see a glimpse of yourself, or hear yourself when you (cough, cough) “talk” to other drivers. Remember your first car? What color was it? How many dads have stopped the car to quiet the noise coming from the back seat? Ever forget where you parked your car in the multilevel parking garage? How many road tests did it take before you were handed your drivers license?
Our Intermediate student cast will share their stage talents with you as they present ‘Skid Marks’ on May 3rd, 7 pm at the Rose District Campus Auditorium.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Martin -